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There is a growing danger currently facing thousands of homeowners in Ireland. Underinsurance...

Managing Escape of Water in Homes: Advice and Tips

Water damage in homes can be a significant concern for homeowners across Ireland. Not only can...

What to do When a Pipe Bursts - 9 Crucial Steps

A burst pipe in the home isn’t something to mess around with. When water starts pouring in, it...

Valuing Your Home Contents: An Estimation Guide

Accurately evaluating the value of everything in your home is far from easy. Large items...

Reducing Condensation in the Home - 9 Effective Methods

We see condensation all the time but rarely give it too much thought. However, that innocuous...

A Guide to Home Insurance After a Fire

We can thank fire for a number of things. Cooked food increased the brain capacity of our...

8 Key Ways to Remove and Prevent Mould in Your House

Mould in the home doesn’t just look awful; it can also be a serious health hazard. Black mould...

Guidelines for Donating to Charity Shops in Ireland

Charity shops have long become an integral part of Irish culture. They help a good cause, and...

13 Tips on How to Handle a Blackout at Home

Blackouts can be stressful, and as our energy grid comes under more strain as our population...

Why Home Insurance Matters: Protecting Your Biggest Investment

In our modern Western world, homes have become our sanctuaries. They are where we retire at...

Home Burglary - The Steps to Take After a Break In

Although numbers are much lower than in the past, home burglaries still occur more frequently...

How do Storms get their Names?

How do Storms get their Names? Ophelia, Agnes, Dennis, Eunice… There has been an endless...