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Making a Claim

How long does it take for a claim to be settled?

As each claim is dealt with on case by case basis, there is no set time that a claim can be settled in.

Below are some ways that you make sure that the claim is resolved as quickly as possible

  • Provide as much information as possible. When filling in your claims form try to be as detailed as you can. If the circumstances surrounding an accident are unclear it may be difficult for your claims handler to decide what you are covered for.
  • Stay in contact with your claims handler. A delay can be caused by something as small as forgetting to include a single piece of information on a claims form. If you receive a call, message or letter from your claims handler make sure to get in touch as soon as you can
  • Send in documentation when asked. In some circumstances your claims handler cannot move on to the next part of the claims process if they are still waiting on documentation from you.
  • Send in correspondence received from a third party solicitor or insurance company. If there is a third party involved in a claim their insurance company or solicitor may send documents to you directly. If you receive something relating to a claim you do not need to do anything except forward the documents to your claims handler.

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