For Car
Insurance Customers
We offer cover for private motor cars. The type of cars we insure must be taxed privately and have a valid NCT certificate.
You'll need to provide us with the exact make, model and specification of your car before we can confirm if we can offer cover. In addition, in all cases the following acceptance criteria must be met. Your car:
- is registered in the Republic of Ireland in your name or in the name of your spouse. (Spouse means legally married husband/wife or legally recognised Civil/Cohabiting Partner)
- is a private car taxed on a private basis and you are the main driver of the vehicle
- has a valid NCT certificate (if applicable)
- is not a left hand drive
- is not a used import other than cars originally registered in the UK and Northern Ireland
- has not been modified from the standard manufacturer's specification in any manner
- will not be used for commercial travelling